Click on this Gold Nugget Box #1
Click On This Gold Nugget Box #2

Introduction from a guest narrator;

I am known in the Earthly Realm by several names. Usually, I am simply called a Speaker by those aware of my existence. I travel in both spiritual and physical forms while sharing my existence between both the Physical and the Spiritual Realms. My purpose is to observe evolving souls and assist them in reaching their spiritual goals without overly influencing their free will. One of the best ways to achieve this is to encourage souls to learn something important to their evolutionary process. 

Quite simply, this is called learning by experience. 

This process was dramatically demonstrated by individuals or groups throughout time. American Indians called them Vision Quests, where an individual would embark upon a solo Spiritual Quest exploratory journey to find a Spiritual Guide, often in the form of an animal that would take on great importance throughout their lives.

Sometimes people in various countries and cultures around the world would go on various forms of retreats. Some of those retreats were religious.  Some were simply spiritual in nature and meant to connect them with that nature or an altered state of mind. A few were eremitic monasticism or solitary monasticism. This is where monks and others withdraw from society and devote their lives to searching for their inner selves. 

This is a huge subject with many ways and means to reach personal goals. My job in this website is to encourage individuals to find their own Vision Quest and assist them in their personal growth in whatever way I can without forcing my will or desires over theirs.

I have their permission to share some of these personal Vision Quests with you, our readers, hoping that they will inspire you to embark on your own Vision Quests. Usually, I provide the narrative in these stories and sometimes the story is told in the first person narrative. This means the narration is from the author’s perspective and not mine. You are getting two authors for the price of one. 

But remember, these stories are fictional presentations and the characters, the storylines and ideas within the website are fictional, but you are free to make of them what you will.


A Speaker


This is a collection of short tales about people embarking upon Spiritual Quest exploratory journeys. Our tales should not be confused or overly related to the Native American solitary Vision Quests which are far more intense and spiritually serious Ventures than we present to our readers. Our stories are meant to spark our readers imaginations and encourage them to seek internally for a more spiritual existence. 


This is a collection of short tales about a young man named Travis who meets a discarnate  teaching spirit called Tiber, who offers lessons to him on the value of a life well lived.

Tiber has fun arriving for each lesson in  an unusual and dramatic form, but always returns to a human appearance for the lessons. Travis always complains, but actually looks forward to the dramatic entrances.

This is a large collection of musical videos and slideshow presentations for both children and adults. They can be used to promote relaxation and enjoyment when viewing nature and it’s scenery.

They have been created by our sister website called Garden Gateways or, especially for your pleasure. Children will especially enjoy the Close Up & Personal videos.

Check out our list of recommended reading for anyone interested in the spiritual and esoteric literature.

Gateways To Your Garden


Written  in a “What To” rather than a “How To” format.

My full color book, Gateways To Your Garden was written to bridge the interaction gap between the landscape design professional and their client. They both have the same end goal, but rarely find themselves as team players without a clear mutual vision of what they are going to create together. To make matters worse, they have to develop a strategy that will allow divergent personalities to meld into an one efficient design team.

This book is the answer to those problem.

And for those who enjoy beautiful pictures of gardens, flowers, shrubs, trees, butterflies, birds and more, this full color book is full of those things.

The book is organized into categories of what to design within you garden.

Quest for The Emerald Crystal 

The Beginning

Book #1

     Spiritual Warriors in The Bahamas

This Quest Book #1 begins with an allegorical tale depicting the origin of human-like animals. They evolve from purely instinctual, and reactive creatures towards becoming individuals that receive the gift of sentience. 

This evolutionary advancement is instigated by superior spiritual beings called Zenithians. They are responsible for the creation and evolution of all aspects of living beings within the Earthly Realm.

This spiritual thriller novel progresses with the adventures of modern-day individuals called the Seekers. They continue their evolutionary journey of spiritual exploration, experience, and growth for themselves, and for each other. 

The primary antagonist is a spiritually powerful and wealthy woman named Diana, who provides the nucleus that pulls all of the primary characters together in a quest to discover the ruins of Atlantis, suspected to be somewhere in the Bahamas. She has a very dangerous hidden agenda that will serve as the conflict between all characters in the novel.

This novel is an inspirational thriller for mature readers as it contains relatively complex philosophical discussions on the origin, and evolutionary progress of individual souls. There are instances of great violence, and disturbing activities. The storyline also describes many of the primary character’s personal activities, including those of a sexual and social nature.

Quest for The Emerald Crystal 

Story Continues

Book #2

Spiritual Warriors in  Belize


This novel begins with an allegorical tale depicting the origin of humanlike animals that evolve from purely instinctual and reactive creatures towards becoming individuals that receive ta gift of sentience. These animals also absorb an inherent consciousness of individuality that includes using free wills when making everyday decisions. This evolutionary advancement is instigated by superior spiritual beings call Zenithians who are responsible for the creation and evolution of all aspects of living beings within the Earthly Realm.

The rest of this spiritual thriller novel continues with the adventures of modern day individuals, called The Seekers who continue with their evolutionary journey of spiritual exploration, adventure and growth for themselves and for each other. Subsequent chapters of this story transport the reader to contemporary times and establish the novel’s plot.

Spiritual Warriors, known as The Seekers, follow Diana Daggert and her team to Belize. It is there that she continues her search for the Emerald Crystal.

She needs to fulfill her ambition for world domination by acquiring and controlling a vastly superior energy source, and the Emerald Crystal is the key to that source. As in the first Quest Book, the Seekers are determined to stop her from acquiring the crystal or intend to destroy it if Diana gets it into her possession.

This book is a work of fiction.

All of the characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fiction or used fictitiously.

Quest for The Emerald Crystal 

Continues Again

  Book #3

Spiritual Warriors in the Caribbean

This novel is a sequel to Quest for the Emerald Crystal, Book #1, Spiritual Warriors in the Bahamas and Book #2, Spiritual Warriors in Belize.

The primary antagonist is still a spiritually powerful and wealthy woman named Diana Daggert, who once again provides the nucleus that pulls all of the protagonist characters together in a quest to destroy the Emerald Crystal prototype of an energy Crystal previously controlled by the lost empire of Atlantis.

It is also important that we caution readers that most of our characters are super good-looking. They are very well-built and very, very sexy. Why would we create anyone else when we have the option? These characters are also very likely to fall in love or give it up to lust and generally enjoy the freedom of sexual interaction, no matter what form that may take. 

They will also enjoy a good fight in whatever way offered to them. I am sure you will enjoy the conflicts that occur between all of these interesting and  alluring characters.

This book is a work of fiction.

All of the characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fiction or used fictitiously.

This novel has been finished but is undergoing final editing and will be published in the nearr future.

Dan Ford's Biography

The Emerald Crystal

Explore our site and start to create your own Quest
Discover your personal Spiritual passion

Welcome to our Emerald Crystal website.

We want to help individuals search for personal Spiritual insight and a meaningful realization of what Spirituality is all about to them. We will not focus on how we believe Spirituality should manifest itself to you but offer our visitors differing viewpoints that present how others may believe in a manifestation of individual Spirituality.
There seem to be two primary groups of spiritual seekers. One group is composed of those people who want to be led by others. Quite often, they become a willing member of a religious or spiritual cult. They insist on being told what to do and how to do it. Our website is not for this group.
Other spiritual seekers attempt to understand what they do not presently comprehend. They are trying to find a way to move upward within their evolutionary spiritual path. They know that they may travel along that path with others, but ultimately, they must also be willing to travel it alone at times. They also must know that they cannot allow others to dominate them during their spiritual evolution. They alone must be in command of their spiritual growth. From time to time, they may have to be guided by others, but at no time can they become subservient to anyone. It is to those people in this group that we wish to appeal to and assist in their journey.
Spirituality should make sense to you and make you happy. We sincerely want to encourage everyone to seek internal satisfaction of spirit or even by the acceptance of belonging to organized religion.
It's all up to you. It cannot be dictated to you by others.

We wish you great success on your journey.


Dan Ford was born in Hancock, New York, in November of 1937. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a meteorological observer from 1954 through 1958. Dan traveled extensively throughout the Far East. He participated in the U.S. Nuclear Bomb tests in the South Pacific in 1958 and has been designated as an Atomic Veteran by the United States Department of Defense.

In 1960, Pan American World Airways as the Prime Defense Contractor for the Atlantic Missile Range, employed Dan for the next ten years in the Bahamas. He was Supervisor of Meteorology on the U.S. Atlantic Missile Range during the early years of the U.S. Space Programs, including the Mercury and Apollo projects.

During that time, in 1962, he met his life partner, Paul, and they have been supporting each other’s dreams since that time. They founded a landscape architecture and design and contracting firm in the Bahamas and continued with that endeavor in Vero Beach, Florida to the present time.

In early 1960, Dan traveled to Ireland and visited the Blarney Castle. Two robust, probably drunk Irishmen held and hung him by his feet over the top of the Blarney Castle parapet during that visit and told him to kiss the Blarney Stone. He did, and soon after that, he started talking incessantly and felt the need to put his thoughts on paper. He had been warned about this but paid no attention, which had always been a particular character flaw and one which is often observed in the Irish American genetic code.

Dan wrote a lot in the ensuing years and published naught until he reached his twilight years and figured he better get on the stick. He wrote and published Gateways To Your Garden. This is a full-color “What To” rather than a “How To” non-fiction book on landscape design. It is available within Amazon Books, among other sources.

Then he decided to create a fiction novel series about exceptionally fine-looking people doing interesting and exciting things to and with each other in alluring locales. This spiritual intrigue three-book series is called Quest for the Emerald Crystal and has a spiritually philosophical structure that constructs a connection between all aspects of the storyline and inspires and unites the book’s characters. This spiritual philosophy represents the total of the author’s mental acquisitions acquired during his years here on Earth. These novels are available in hardcover, softcover, ebook, and a PDF formatted publication. In the case of Quest Book #1, it is available in an Audible audiobook format. Another full length fiction novel is currently in progress. It is called A Lonesome Man On A Wakeful Road, and details a single man on a Spiritual Quest to find himself in the country of Belize. The storyline is unique, exciting and a lot of fun. You can expect it in late summer of 2023 or read it while it is being written within this website.

Dan has now gotten these novels out of his system. He has decided to stick around and write for a while more. Perhaps he can squeeze more stories out of his consciousness before progressing to the next reincarnation. But that will depend on the reading tolerances of those who decide to give his writings a try. Those interested in reading these things can proceed with this website to the Vision Quest and Meeting Tiber about those fellow souls who are interested in fiction short-tale writings about other that are experiencing unique and interesting spiritual quests.

For those of you who have read this far, I thank you for doing so. I apologize for writing about me as though I was not I. That is what writers do.

It is a bit weird, though!

Dan Ford

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