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Musical Scenery Tranquilizers

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Musical Scenery Tranquilizers will display landscape videos accompanied with music and featuring gardens or nature in general.  There are no limits to the accepted forms of landscape, be they man-made or created by nature.  The landscape videos can just contain elements endemic to man-made and natural landscapes, including birds, insects and animals. We adhere to the broadest possible description of nature and we further propose that the best landscape designer is Creation itself.

The tranquilizer tag is relevant because these presentations are designed to soothe the soul as well as entertain and inform.

Select from the following categories of musical videos you might enjoy and start relaxing!

All of our videos are hosted by

Scenes from an overhead perspective.

Enjoy visits to botanical gardens.

Visit beaches all over the world.

A trip through other peoples gardens.

Visuals of national areas.

View a video trek to countries around the world.

Experience the greatness of mountains without the climb.

View Fun for everyone (especially for the kids).

Swim on a coral reef without getting wet.

View the magnificence of nature as seen from a far perspective.

Immerse yourself in the world’s most beautiful aquatic environments.

View swamps, bogs, and marshes.

Dan Ford - Author of the Quest for the Emerald Crystal book series

Dan Ford


The Emerald Crystal

Explore our site and start to create your own Quest | Discover your personal Spiritual passion

We are pleased to welcome you to the Emerald Crystal website. We are dedicated to an individuals search for Spiritual insight and a meaningful realization of what Spirituality is really all about for many people. will not focus on how we personally believe Spirituality should manifest itself, but offer our visitors differing viewpoints that present how others have come to believe in a manifestation of individual Spirituality that makes sense to them and makes them happy. We sincerely want to encourage everyone to seek for internal satisfaction of self, be it through an individual sense of being or through acceptance of belonging to an organized religion. It's all up to you. We wish you great success on your journey.

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