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Book # 3

Spiritual Warriors in the Caribbean


Diana Daggert failed in her Quest in the previous books of this series. In this Quest for the Emerald Book #3, she continues with her goal to acquire the original Emerald Crystals that the lost continent of Atlantis had used for creating power to run machinery and weapons. Atlantis had used this power to wage and win wars during the height of power. Diana intended to use this exceptional power nexus that would allow her to gain and maintain control over most of the global energy supply. This would effectively ensure her attaining world financial and extreme influence domination.

A group of spiritual warriors called The Seekers still threatens Diana Daggert, committed to stopping Diana from achieving this goal. Many of them have acquired heightened spiritual powers, such as reading the Akashic Record, moving within the Spiritual Timeline, traveling in Out of the Body experiences, and much more. Just as Book #1 and Book #2, this novel describes these spiritual attributes in detail. Diana Daggert also enjoys those spiritual powers to an even greater degree.

Book #3 introduces the reader to many new, unique and attractive characters trained to expand the present Seeker Warriors team’s capabilities. They formulated plans to acquire this Crystal prototype as they had the original Emerald Crystals in the past two books.

Diana Daggert has done the same by expanding and training her Metaphysical Warrior army to be very proficient in defensive and offensive activities.

The reader experiences how the new characters assimilate among the antagonists and protagonists and observes how they acquire spiritual powers and develop into Spiritual Warriors. The conflict expands from Belize to Puerto Rico and onto open warfare on the open Caribbean Sea.

This novel is an inspirational thriller for mature readers as it contains relatively complex philosophical discussions on the origin and evolutionary progress of individual souls. There are instances of great violence and disturbing activities.

The storyline also describes many primary characters’ personal lives. These descriptions include issues of a sexual and social nature containing heterosexual, homosexual, and other unique sexual activities.

It is also appropriate that we caution the reader that our characters are, for the most part, extremely good-looking, very well built, and of various sexy natures. Why would we create anything else? They are quick to fall in love or lust and enjoy the freedom of sexual interaction, no matter what form that may take. They also enjoy a good fight in whatever manner that might offer that.

  • We hope you will enjoy this story.
Dan Ford - Author of the Quest for the Emerald Crystal book series

Dan Ford


The Emerald Crystal

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We are pleased to welcome you to the Emerald Crystal website. We are dedicated to an individuals search for Spiritual insight and a meaningful realization of what Spirituality is really all about for many people. will not focus on how we personally believe Spirituality should manifest itself, but offer our visitors differing viewpoints that present how others have come to believe in a manifestation of individual Spirituality that makes sense to them and makes them happy. We sincerely want to encourage everyone to seek for internal satisfaction of self, be it through an individual sense of being or through acceptance of belonging to an organized religion. It's all up to you. We wish you great success on your journey.

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